The Nano, by Indian automaker Tata, will soon be available in Burma, albeit at a far higher price than in India. The vehicle, dubbed the world’s cheapest four-wheel car, sells for just US $1,800 domestically, but will cost 9.9 million kyat ($11,500) after taxes in Burma, reports Mizzima. Sales of the car may begin this week, but it will take a month or two to complete purchase orders, Htoo Aung Lin, the director of Tata’s partner APEX Greatest Industrial Company, said. At present, no financing is available for purchasing the cars, which can be seen at two showrooms in Rangoon.
Exodus: Tens of Thousands Flee as Myanmar Junta Troops Face Last Stand in Kokang
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army troops are opening roads and pathways through forests for people to flee Kokang’s capital as...
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