
Your support keeps independent journalism alive

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Since the coup in Myanmar, the country has been in turmoil, faced with increasing instability and a worsening civil war. We at The Irrawaddy work tirelessly, 24/7, to provide daily breaking news, analysis, and editorial comment, as well as video footage and images.

All of our quality journalism and content—in both Burmese and English—is freely accessible to audiences across all of The Irrawaddy’s platforms.

Through its independent journalism, The Irrawaddy has long championed the voices in Myanmar. We remain firmly committed to providing comprehensive coverage of events in the country and the wider region, as well as an understanding of their impacts and the challenges they pose. Editorial independence has never been more important.

The Irrawaddy aims to safeguard and build on its 30-year tradition of faithfully covering Myanmar affairs. To do so, we need support from our readership.

We can’t survive on advertising alone, so we continue to ask our loyal readers to support The Irrawaddy team with donations. Your kind support will strengthen our work, allowing us to provide the journalistic excellence and quality information that our audiences deserve at this critical time.

Today, journalists and reporters in Myanmar face grave challenges and dangers—even the threat of death—as they work to protect and promote democracy and press freedom.

The Irrawaddy’s newsroom, staffed with award-winning journalists and other trained professionals, is dedicated to covering all of the issues that shape Myanmar and beyond, and to chronicling what Myanmar is going through during these extraordinary times under an illegitimate regime.

We count on your invaluable support to help us provide quality and impactful journalism every day. We humbly thank you for all the support you have given us and continue to extend to us now.
US donors can now contribute to The Irrawaddy via our partner 501(c)3 nonprofit organization; such donations are tax deductible.

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