The Ta’ang National Liberation Army and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) launched the anti-regime Operation 1027 last Friday across northern Shan State. Along with the Arakan Army in Rakhine State, the groups form the Brotherhood Alliance.
The Bamar People’s Liberation Army and Mandalay People’s Defence Force have joined the attacks. Fighting continues and more junta camps have been seized.
MNDAA spokesman Li Kyarwen talked to The Irrawaddy on Monday about the operation.
What is happening with Operation 1027?
The fighting is in its fourth day. The battle to seize camps is ongoing.
How many camps have been seized?
At least over 60 junta camps have been seized.
What are the casualties on both sides?
We haven’t compiled a list yet because the fighting is ongoing. Hundreds of junta troops have been killed.
It is reported that the junta attacked civilian areas with heavy weapons and airstrikes. Are there any civilian casualties?
Two villages near Chin Shwe Haw town were destroyed by an airstrike. Many houses in Niupingziba and Ma Li Ping villages were destroyed too but no civilians were harmed.
How many prisoners of war have been captured?
There are about 10 prisoners of war captured but the detailed figures are unknown.
It is reported that weapons were seized from a camp in Mong Ko on Sunday.
Many weapons and ammunition were seized from Mang Yan camp, which was in six parts. There are many small camps nearby. Five camps were seized over the weekend.
How many camps in Mong Ko have been seized?
There are many camps in Mong Ko. We seized at least 10 camps and battles at the others are ongoing.
Have junta reinforcements arrived? How do you prepare for that?
We know reinforcements will arrive. We will do our best to defend against them and have made preparations.
We hear the MNDAA wants to recapture Laukkaing. How far is the alliance expanding the operation?
I cannot answer that.
What territory do you control?
We hold Chin Shwe Haw. We are still trying to control Hseni.
The MNDAA told junta troops to surrender. How many have?
There have been troops surrendering. I will give the details later.
The Kachin Independence Army and Karen National Union are also fighting the junta. Do you have a message about the fighting?
Operation 1027 is to eliminate the dictatorship and establish the democratic country that the people want. We hope the public will support and participate.
China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Naing called for a ceasefire along its border. Are you taking to China?
We cannot discuss that.