Police in Magway Division have threatened to arrest a Buddhist monk who is leading a 200-km march calling for the release of political prisoners, reports Mizzima. Sayadaw Rakkhawontha, 58, is accused of violating Section 18 of Burma’s Peaceful Assembly and Procession Law, which requires that anyone planning a protest must first obtain permission from the police. He denied, however, that he was engaged in a protest. “I am praying for the release of remaining political prisoners,” he said. Members of the National League for Democracy and the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society group have joined him on the walk from Chauk in Magway Division to Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State.
Exodus: Tens of Thousands Flee as Myanmar Junta Troops Face Last Stand in Kokang
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army troops are opening roads and pathways through forests for people to flee Kokang’s capital as...
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