Representatives of 17 townships in Arakan State have urged Burma’s government to form “people’s militia” units under Burmese army command, reports Mizzima. The call was made on Sept. 29 at a “family get-together” between the representatives from Arakan State and Zaw Aye Maung, Rangoon Division’s minister for Arakan affairs, at the International Business Center in Rangoon. “Cooperation between the union government and [Arakanese] people for security in the state is necessary. We demand the formation of a people’s militia in each and every township in the state,” Zaw Aye Maung said, addressing Union Parliament Speaker Shwe Mann. The call comes following the dissolution of the Nasaka border guard force in July.
Exodus: Tens of Thousands Flee as Myanmar Junta Troops Face Last Stand in Kokang
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army troops are opening roads and pathways through forests for people to flee Kokang’s capital as...
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