YANGON — Two Bago regional government ministers resigned on Wednesday, bringing the total number of ministers who have quit since the New Year to four.
The resignations of U Kyaw Min San, Bago Region’s minister for resources, environmental conservation and forestry, and Municipal and Social Affairs Minister U Maung Maung Lwin were voluntary, according to an announcement by the President’s Office on Thursday. However, U Kyaw Min San, who is a member of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD), indicated the party was behind the move.
“My party asked me to resign from my post, so I did. But I am not being investigated,” he told The Irrawaddy.
On Wednesday, the President’s Office approved the resignation of Irrawaddy Region Chief Minister Mahn Johnny and the regional minister for agriculture, livestock, resources and environmental conservation, U Ba Hein, who said he was stepping down due to poor health.
Mahn Johnny, a former political prisoner and long-serving member of the NLD, is set to meet the press on Monday to explain his resignation. The same day, the regional parliament is scheduled to approve a candidate to replace him, nominated by President U Htin Kyaw.
Mahn Johnny will remain a member of the NLD’s central executive committee and a lawmaker for Kyonpyaw Township in the regional parliament, party spokesman Monywa Aung Shin told reporters in Naypyitaw on Thursday.
The NLD government is reshuffling key players in order to enhance its capacity and will make further changes as necessary, Monywa Aung Shin said.
“The government takes three things into consideration in making changes: performance; complaints about corruption and social problems; and health,” said Monywa Aung Shin, adding that the party had received about 30 complaints over the past few months.
The head of the ruling party’s complaint committee, Dr. Myo Nyunt, told reporters in August that the panel had received around 400 complaints against its lawmakers and ministers since the party took office in April 2016.