At least five explosions occurred in Yangon’s Thaketa Township on Thursday morning, including one at the home of the administrator of Man Pyay No. 3 Ward. The ward administrator was found dead.
Bomb blasts were also reported near the No. 1 Police Station on Myin Taw Thar Road and at the No. 2 Police Station at the corner of Ayeyarwun and Nawarat streets.

“There were around five explosions between 8am and 9am. I heard that the ward administrator who lives near No. 3 Thaketa Market died,” a resident of Man Pyay told The Irrawaddy.
The ward administrator was reportedly shot dead. But The Irrawaddy was unable to independently confirm that.
A large number of police and military personnel have deployed on Myin Taw Thar Road and Man Pyay No. 20 Street where the ward administrator lived.
The explosions in Thaketa are the latest in a series of bomb and arson attacks targeting basic education schools and ward administrator offices that have taken place across Myanmar since school enrollment week began on May 24.
The military regime is pushing to open basic education schools on June 1, but anti-coup protesters are calling for an education boycott as part of the nationwide civil disobedience movement.
On May 3, the military-appointed administrator of No.7 ward (west) in Thaketa Township was stabbed to death by three men.
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