Myanmar’s military regime has arrested a brigadier-general who oversaw the 1st Military Operations Command for allegedly disobeying orders during fighting in northern Shan State. Brig-Gen Min Maung is being tried by a military tribunal, sources confirmed to The Irrawaddy.
Junta boss Min Aung Hlaing has accused Min Maung of withdrawing his troops from Laukkai in Kokang Self-Administered Zone without his permission in early January, according to a source.
Junta troops were at the time besieged by the Brotherhood Alliance – a military alliance of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, Ta’ang National Liberation Army and Arakan Army – in Laukkai.
“Troops were pulled out of Laukkai on the orders of deputy military chief [Soe Win]. But Min Aung Hlaing ordered the arrest, saying he had not approved the regional commander [of Northeastern Command]’s request to withdraw [from Laukkai],” a source told The Irrawaddy.
There are also reports that Min Maung has been charged with taking bribes from scam syndicates while he was serving in Hopang.
The Brotherhood Alliance has occupied most of northern Shan State vowing to eradicate cyber and call-center scams that proliferate in the border zone with China. However, the alliance’s Operation 1027 offensive has been on hold since China brokered a ceasefire covering northern Shan in mid-January.

Min Maung, a graduate from the Defense Services Academy 40th intake, refused to surrender when six brigadier-generals at the Regional Operations Command (ROC) in Laukkai discussed raising the white flag as the MNDAA besieged Laukkai.
While the six Brig-Gens surrendered, Min Maung led a retreat of over 350 troops from their base near Laukkai. They were then airlifted to Infantry Battalion 33 in Tangyan.
The regime later reportedly sentenced three of the six brigadier-generals to death and the other three to life imprisonment, but Min Maung was spared and retained his post as commander of the 1st MOC.
After the entire ROC in Laukkai surrendered on Jan. 4, its headquarters were relocated to the Northeastern Command headquarters in Lashio. Colonel Myo Min Htwe from the 11th Light Infantry Division was appointed new head of the ROC on Jan. 19.
One month later, Min Aung Hlaing gave orders for the Laukkai ROC to be dissolved. Myo Min Htwe was subsequently appointed head of the 1st MOC, replacing Min Maung. The regime handed a death sentence to former Laukkai ROC commander Brig-Gen Moe Kyaw Thu.
Also given death sentences were Brig-Gen Tun Tun Myint, the acting chief of Kokang Self-Administered Zone, and Brig-Gen Zaw Myo Win, the Division 55 commander.