An army major and at least six pro-regime militia members were among 67 regime forces killed by People’s Defense Force groups (PDFs) during their relentless attacks on regime targets across the country in the last four days.
The PDFs also seized a junta cargo ship carrying 15,000 rice bags of rations for the military.
Incidents were reported in Mandalay, Magwe, Sagaing, Bago and Tanintharyi regions.
Some military casualties could not be independently verified.
Army major assassinated in Mandalay

The resistance group Tawgyi Mway Pwaye claimed that it and two other PDF groups jointly assassinated army Major Aung Naing Soe in Madaya Township, Mandalay Region on Monday.
The victim was killed while he was at his house in Mway Taline Village.
A PDF photo shows the dead body of an army major.
20 junta soldiers killed, injured in Tanintharyi
Local resistance group King Cobra Force claimed to have killed or injured at least 20 regime forces when it used a cluster of land mines to ambush three military vehicles between Palaw and Myeik townships, Tanintharyi Region on Monday morning.
The convoy was attacked while it was traveling from Palaw to Myeik. During the ambush, two vehicles were destroyed.
Four junta soldiers killed in Tanintharyi
Four regime soldiers were killed and another injured in Tanintharyi Township, Tanintharyi Region on Sunday when two PDF groups clashed with regime forces near a village, said PDF-Myeik District, which coordinated the attack.
Regime forces attacked in Tanintharyi

Many regime forces are believed to have been killed or injured in Bokepyin Township, Tanintharyi Region last Friday when Kawthaung District PDF and another local resistance group jointly used land mines to ambush 15 regime forces of military Light Infantry Battalion 560 near a village, said the resistance groups.
After the ambushes, a 30-minute clash broke out between the regime forces and PDF groups.
In the shootout, three PDF fighters suffered injuries. Some junta explosives and ammunition were also seized by the PDF groups.
Junta ration ship sized by PDF in Sagaing

A cargo ship carrying 15,000 rice bags for the military was seized by the Civil Defense and Security Organization of Myaung (CDSOM) in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday, the group claimed.
The vessel was seized while it was traveling south from Mandalay along the Irrawaddy River.
The PDF group said it shared the rice bags with residents of the township.
It also said it abandoned the cargo ship after being tipped off that a military flotilla and a military detachment of 70 soldiers were heading towards the PDF-occupied ship.
Three junta forces killed in Sagaing
Three regime forces were killed in Myinmu Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday when two PDF groups used grenades to attack regime forces guarding the junta-controlled Myanmar Economic Bank in the town of Myinmu, claimed Zero Guerrilla Force, which coordinated the attack.
17 junta soldiers, six PDF fighters killed in intense clash in Sagaing
Seventeen regime soldiers and six resistance fighters were killed during an intense clash in Monywa Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday when four PDF groups jointly attacked about 150 regime forces stationed in a village, said Chindwin Attack Force, which coordinated the attack.
In the clash, regime forces used over 100 heavy explosives and some chemical weapons that left the PDF fighters feeling dizzy, the PDF groups said.
After facing PDF attacks, three regime military detachments responded with offensive actions against the resistance groups.
In the clashes, a total of six resistance members were killed. Of those, two were PDF fighters who were executed by regime forces as soon as they were captured.
A video shot by the PDF groups shows PDF fighters engaged in a heavy clash.
Junta police outpost attacked by PDF drone in Sagaing
A local PDF group, Tiger Women Drone Forces, claimed to have bombed a junta police station in Kyauk Yit Village in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region using drones on Sunday morning.
However, regime casualties were unknown.
An aerial video shot by the PDF group shows blasts in the compound of the police station after being bombed by a drone.
Junta motorboat bombed in Sagaing
A PDF drone drops a bomb on the roof of a junta motorboat in Katha Township on Monday. / Katha PDF
A military motorboat was bombed by the Drone Team of Katha-PDF group in Katha Township, Sagaing Region on Monday, according to the group.
The vessel was attacked while traveling to Katha Township from neighboring Shwegu Township in Kachin State along the Irrawaddy River.
An aerial video shows a bomb dropped by the Katha Drone Team exploding on the roof of the motorboat. However, it is unknown whether there were any casualties.
Junta police station bombed in Sagaing
The junta police station in Kyauk Yit Village in Myaung Township is bombed by a PDF drone on Sunday. / T.G.R. Women Drone Force
Three junta police officers were killed in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday when two PDF groups used 60-mm, 80-mm and 120-mm motor rounds to bomb a township police station in the town of Salingyi, said Brother Defense Forces, which was involved in the attacks.
The group said it used over 60 mortar shells to attack the police station. All PDF members escaped from the area despite regime forces responding with heavy explosives and automatic firearms.
12 junta forces killed in fierce clash in Bago
Resistance fighters during a clash with regime forces in Yaytashe Township last Friday. / NTPDF
At least 12 regime soldiers were killed and many others injured in Yaytashe Township, Bago Region last Friday when Northern Thandaung PDF group ambushed 90 soldiers between two villages, the PDF group claimed.
After being attacked for four hours, the regime forces retreated from the area. A video shows PDF fighters engaged in a fierce clash.
Pro-regime militia leader, village administrator killed in Bago

A pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia leader and a junta-appointed village administrator were killed in Paungde and Oakpo townships, Bago Region on Monday and Saturday, said Bago Region PDF.
On Monday afternoon, Tharyarwaddy District PDF group assassinated Pyu Saw Htee militia leader Than Tun on a road in Oakpo Township.
The PDF group said Than Tun, who was also a junta informant, was armed.
On Saturday morning, U Saung Tin, a junta-appointed administrator of Phar Yar Gyi Village in Paungde Township, was killed by PDF-Pyay District.
Bago Region PDF said both assassinations were parts of Operation Nann Htike Aung against regime targets.
Five pro-regime militia members killed in Magwe
Five pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia members were reportedly killed in Myaing Township, Magwe Region on Sunday morning when three PDF groups attacked a militia group from a village.
The military group was attacked from close range as they were heading out to do farm work, said Pakokku PDF group, which was involved in the shootout.