The number of traffic accidents in Rangoon Division increased by 38 percent last year compared with 2012, reports Mizzima. According to Pol Capt Zaw Myo Tun of the traffic squad, there were 2,979 road accidents reported in the division in 2013, 800 more than the previous year. The number of fatalities also increased, from 475 to 506, while more than 4,400 people were reported injured. The vast majority of the accidents—2,143—occurred in the Rangoon municipal area, and of these, more than half happened after dark. “Many accidents are due to a lack of streetlights,” said Zaw Myo Tun, who also blamed speeding and recklessness. Another factor cited was the influx of some 200,000 vehicles imported into Burma last year, most to the country’s commercial capital.
Exodus: Tens of Thousands Flee as Myanmar Junta Troops Face Last Stand in Kokang
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army troops are opening roads and pathways through forests for people to flee Kokang’s capital as...
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