RANGOON — Rangoon Chief Minister Phyo Min Thein’s list of regional government nominees, including six ministers, was approved in the divisional parliament on Monday.
The nominees include Planning and Finance Minister Myint Thaung; Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry and Energy Minister Han Tun; Electricity, Industry, and Transportation Minister Nilar Kyaw; Development Affairs Minister and mayor, Dr. Maung Maung Soe; and Social Affairs Minister Naing Ngan Lin.
Rangoon regional lawmaker Moe Myint, from South Okkalapa constituency, told The Irrawaddy that Naing Ngan Lin is the only National League for Democracy (NLD) lawmaker; the others are retired civil servants and technocrats.
Han Htoo and Khin Than Hla were also appointed to advocate general and auditor general of Rangoon Division, respectively.
Nominated by the commander-in-chief, Col. Tin Aung Tun was reappointed as Security and Border Affairs Minister for Rangoon Division and two NLD lawmakers, Zaw Aye Maung and Naw Pan Thinzar Myo, were appointed Arakan and Karen ethnic affairs ministers, respectively, last week.
Other state and regional parliaments also announced and approved their chief ministers’ proposed list of cabinet members on Monday.