YANGON—Two gunmen robbed a CB Bank branch in Yangon’s North Dagon Township of an estimated 60 million kyats (about $41,230) on Friday morning and left behind a fake bomb before making their escape.
The robbery occurred at around 9 a.m. just as the bank was opening, lawmaker U Tin Tun Naing, who represents the township in the Yangon regional parliament, told The Irrawaddy from the scene. He said the two perpetrators fled in a vehicle after robbing the bank.
The lawmaker said a bomb squad from by the regional Ministry for Security and Border Affairs had been called in to neutralize what appeared to be a bomb made of sticks of explosives taped to a cell phone. The bomb-disposal team later confirmed the bomb to be a fake, U Tin Tun Naing said.
Police Colonel Myo Naing Oo of the North Dagon Township police confirmed the robbery to The Irrawaddy, adding that police were investigating.
Stay tuned for updates.
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