At least eight Myanmar junta forces were killed in the last four days as People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) continued to attack regime targets across the country.
Incidents were reported in Sagaing, Mandalay, Magwe and Tanintharyi regions and Chin and Karen states.
The Irrawaddy has rounded up the following reports of significant attacks from PDFs.
Some of the reports could not be independently verified.
North West Military Command HQ bombed in Sagaing
Resistance fighters of Monywa PDF fire a rocket bomb at the North West Military Command in Monywa Township on Tuesday. / Monywa PDF
Monywa PDF said it used a 107-mm rocket bomb to attack the headquarters of the regime’s North West Military Command in Monywa town, Sagaing Region on Tuesday.
Details of military casualties and damage were unknown.
Junta bases bombed in Sagaing
Kyauk Lone Gyi PDF said it and three other resistance groups used some makeshift fixed-wing drones to drop six bombs on junta bases in the pro-regime village of Bant Bwe, which is home to Pyu Saw Htee militia groups, in Yinmabin Township, Sagaing Region on Thursday.
Military casualties were unknown. One resistance drone was shot down by the junta forces, who were equipped with an anti-drone jammer.
Military vehicle overturns in resistance ambush in Tanintharyi
Resistance forces ambush a military vehicle in Dawei Township on Wednesday. / DGRF
At least three junta soldiers were killed and two others injured in Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Region on Wednesday when Dawei Guerrilla Revolutionary Force staged a daring attack on a military vehicle on the Dawei-Ye highway, the resistance group said.
Soon after the ambush, junta reinforcements arrived in the area and arbitrarily shot dead two civilians after torching a shop nearby.
Junta police officer killed in Mandalay
Wundwin Township Revolution Force claimed to have shot dead police officer Thein Zaw Moe, the chief of the township special police force, in Wundwin town, Mandalay Region on Thursday.
Police forces attacked in Magwe
Resistance fighters stage a surprise attack on a police station in Kamma Town, Pakokku Township on Thursday. / Kamma PDF
A policeman was killed in Pakokku Township, Magwe Region on Thursday afternoon when two resistance groups staged a surprise attack on police officers positioned in bunkers in front of a police station in Kamma Town, said Kamma PDF, which coordinated the attack.
Police responded with firearms but all resistance members retreated from the area without casualties.
Junta forces repeatedly attacked in Karen
Members of Albino Tiger Column fire mortar rounds at regime targets in Kawkareik Township on Wednesday. / Albino Tiger Column
Resistance group Albino Tiger Column said it used 60-mm and 40-mm mortar rounds to attack 30 regime forces stationed at a police station and school at Taung Kyar Inn Village in Kawkareik Township, Karen State on Wednesday morning.
The resistance group coordinated with other PDF groups to conduct mortar and drone strikes against 30 regime forces who were heading out to raid resistance areas at around 11 a.m. on that morning.
The PDF groups said they later used 60-mm mortar rounds to attack the regime forces as they retreated. Two regime soldiers were killed and three injured.
Shootout erupts in a Chin town
A soldier was killed and two weapons were seized by resistance forces in Tonzang Township, Chin State on Thursday when Chin Defense Force (Tonzang) attacked regime forces stationed at a school in the town, the Chin resistance group claimed.