The Myanmar junta lost one more town as well as at least 30 troops in the past three days as ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) and People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) stepped up attacks on regime targets across the country.
Incidents were reported in Shan, Kachin, Mon and Rakhine states and Mandalay and Magwe regions.
The Irrawaddy has collected the following reports of significant attacks from PDFs and EAOs.
Some military casualties could not be independently verified.
One more town seized by resistance in northern Shan
Troops of the KIA and allied resistance groups take part in the seizure of Mabein Town, northern Shan State on Saturday. / Kachin News Group
Powerful ethnic armed group the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and allied People’s Defense Force groups took complete control of Mabein Town in northern Shan State on Saturday after attacking junta bases, according to the resistance groups.
During the raid, regime forces stationed at the police station in the town surrendered to the anti-regime resistance groups. The joint resistance fighters also attacked and occupied a junta military base guarding the town.
The junta conducted airstrikes in a failed bid to defend the town.
Dozens of junta forces arrested as regime base seized in Kachin

The KIA said it and allied PDF groups attacked and seized the military base near Manweingyi Village in Mansi Township, Kachin State last Friday.
During the raid, many regime forces were arrested at the base. Joint resistance forces also chased and detained many more junta troops who fled toward the border with China.
Intense clashes continue in Rakhine

Ethnic Rakhine armed force the Arakan Army (AA) said intense clashes between its troops and regime forces occurred in Pauktaw, Minbya, Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Rathedaung and Ramree townships on Sunday.
During one clash the junta used a Harbin Y-12 airplane to bomb Minbya town, burning some civilian houses in a residential ward, said the AA.
Along with the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the AA is a member of the Brotherhood Alliance, which launched the major anti-regime offensive Operation 1027 across northern Shan in October last year.
The AA widened the operation to Rakhine State on Nov. 13 last year.
Junta launches offensive against TNLA in upper Mandalay

A clash broke out in Mogkoke Township, upper Mandalay Region on Sunday as regime forces attacked TNLA bases there, said the ethnic army. In the clash, the TNLA seized three weapons from regime troops.
In violation of a China-brokered ceasefire, the junta has been conducting attacks including artillery and airstrikes against both civilian targets and the armed groups’ territory in several townships in northern Shan as well as Mogoke as of Monday, said the TNLA.
Junta troops killed in resistance attacks on military checkpoint, battalions in Mon
Resistance fighters of joint anti-regime resistance groups take part in the seizure of a military checkpoint in Ye Township on Saturday. / Dawna Column
At least 30 regime forces were killed in Ye Township, Mon State on Saturday when seven resistance groups including the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) raided a military checkpoint and shelled two military battalions in the area, said Dawna Column, which coordinated the attacks.
First, the joint resistance forces raided the military checkpoint at the Ye Bridge outside Ye Town after bombarding the base with heavy explosives. During the raid, nine regime troops were killed and the remaining junta forces fled.
Weapons were seized from the checkpoint, which was notorious for extorting money and harassing local residents and civilian vehicles. During the clashes, other resistance forces stopped civilian vehicles to prevent them from passing through the clash site on the Ye-Thanbyuzayat Road.
However, the military’s nearby battalions 343 and 106 targeted civilian vehicles with heavy explosives, damaging three express transport vehicles and injuring civilians.
After the raid on the military checkpoint, the resistance groups also shelled military battalions 588 and 106 in the area, reportedly killing 21 regime forces.
Regime forces killed in resistance drone strike in Magwe
Resistance fighters of joint PDF groups take part in drone strikes on regime targets in Pan Tine Chon Village in Pakokku Township on Saturday. / Super Fighter PDF
Three regime troops were killed in Pakokku Township, Magwe Region on Saturday when eight PDF groups used improvised remote-controlled airplanes to drop bombs on regime forces stationed at Pan Tine Chon Village, said Super Fighter PDF, which joined the drone strike.