Artist Ye Minn has creatively portrayed the complex nature of the human mind in his latest solo exhibition. In place of heads on his figures, there are broken bricks, rolls of tissue, combs, and plastic bags – which he has said represent the mind.
“Being an artist, I have to understand my mind through painting. At times, the mind can be tough, weak, free or lethargic. I represented these states of mind in my work,” said the artist.
Ye Minn’s solo ‘Waves in Minds’ art exhibition is taking place until September 29 at Nawaday Tharlar Art Gallery on Yaw Min Gyi Street in Dagon Township.
In the early days of his artistic career, Ye Minn was a realist, but later he found his true love in surrealism. About a bare-chested man with folded arms—on his neck a broken brick instead of head—Ye Minn said: “If the mind is rigid and haughty……Those who are rigid are easy to break, fragile. The broken brick in place of his head portrays his mind.”
His exhibition features 16 paintings, each priced at US$1,000. He has participated in dozens of art exhibitions at home and abroad.
“Ye Minn’s creations are a presentation of contemporary art. It is a different genre of surrealism and reflects the life and feelings of people,” artist Aye Ko said of Ye Minn’s works.