As the year comes to an end, here are The Irrawaddy’s picks of our incisive commentaries, definitive data journalism and analytical news stories that can help you learn more about Myanmar today. If you missed them, now is the time to catch up. Happy reading and Happy New Year!

With the Rakhine crisis strengthening China’s hand and limiting Western influence here, the government must plot a new strategic course.

The Man Behind the Burma Independence Army
Col Keiji Suzuki and Japan’s direct involvement in Myanmar’s independence movement has had far reaching consequences, writes Aung Zaw.

Collaboration is Key to Solving Rakhine Crisis
Important players in the crisis need to establish a common understanding.

Press Freedom and the Invisible Line
Do we have press freedom in Myanmar? Yes, we do, but with an invisible line…. When you touch or cross it, you’re finished.

Reassessing the Role of Myanmar’s Powerful Military
The Tatmadaw is still at the epicenter of politics. No understanding of it will prevent world and domestic leaders from achieving their goals.

Yangon: My City at Breaking Point
Once a jewel of Southeast Asia, uninhibited development, crumbling infrastructure, and unintuitive transport policies have pushed Yangon to the edge.

The Khaki Guardians of The NLD
Four ex-army men moved the NLD forward while former military regimes attempted to suppress the party.

The United Wa State Army recently weighed in on Burma’s process as never before, but what part will it really play, asks Lawi Weng.

What is Wrong With the NLD’s Policy?
The top-down naming of a Mon State bridge—despite local objections—shows how the NLD government is wavering in its bid for national reconciliation.

The Irrawaddy illustrates the casualties and carnage of the latest Rakhine crisis in infographics.

Challenges Impede Development of Myanmar’s Public Health
Data shows that the health system has improved under the civilian government, but remains hobbled by a lack of manpower, poor funding and an urban/rural divide.

Two Years After Election, a Mixed Report Card for NLD
As it marks the 2nd anniversary of its historic victory, the party can point to progress on health and rights, but democratic, economic development is slow.

What has Parliament Done so far?
Parliament draws praise for targeting oppressive laws, but some say lawmakers are not going far enough.

Father, Son and Granddaughter Art Exhibition
A family with three generations of artists hosts a show featuring around 200 acrylic and watercolor paintings.