Monday (May 29)
The Lower House approved a discussion of a proposal put forward by Minbu Township lawmaker U Win Win which urged the Union government to provide systematic packaging and efficient distribution of locally produced urea fertilizer at a reasonable price to farmers.
In Upper House, lawmaker U Htay Oo of Rangoon Constituency (2) asked if the government would be able to issue certificates of residence and household registration within six months to all “indigenous citizens” nationwide who still do not have ID cards or household certificates. Union minister for labor, immigration and population U Thein Swe said though his ministry had relaxed some procedures, it would be impossible to issue such documentation to all those concerned within six months.
Tuesday (May 30)
In the Lower House, six lawmakers debated a proposal put forward by Kale Township lawmaker Daw Aye Aye Mu, which urged the government to take action as necessary to make sure courts not defer trials arbitrarily, in order to fight corruption and bribery and improve public relations with government offices.
Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption Commission U Mya Win blamed trial delays on weaknesses in laws, regulations and procedures, as well as the lack of capacity of or corruption among concerned staff. He also suggested that concerned government agencies take necessary actions in collaboration. He asked the Parliament to put the proposal on record, which it did.
In the Upper House, U Maung Maung Latt of Sagaing Division (9) asked if the Union government had a plan to review Burma-India border trade and hold talks with Indian government for necessary policy changes. Deputy Minister for Commerce U Aung Htoo said his ministry had proposed the establishment of a new border trade post in Mizoram State to the Indian government. He also promised to discuss possible policy changes at the sixth Burma-India border trade meeting to be held in New Delhi in June.
Wednesday (May 31)
In the Lower House, Mohnyin Township lawmaker Daw San San Ei asked about illegal gold mining around Kachin State’s Indawgyi Lake. Union minister for natural resources and environmental conservation U Ohn Win replied that clashes between government forces and ethnic armed groups had hampered the ministry’s efforts to tackle illegal mining there.
The Lower House approved the proposal of Dr U Aung Khin representing Pyin Oo Lwin Township urging the Union government to establish green land projects as soon as possible in Naypyidaw, Rangoon, Mandalay and Pyin Oo Lwin to help mitigate the impact of climate change caused by deforestation.
In the Upper House, in response to the question of U Khin Maung Latt of Arakan State (3), Union minister for construction U Win Khaing said that his ministry had no plan to obtain international loans to construct the Ponnagyun-Rathedaung-Buthidaung motor road, but would build the all-seasons highway by the end of the 2018-19 fiscal year.
Thursday (June 1)
In the Union Parliament, Union minister for social welfare, relief and resettlement Dr. Win Myat Aye submitted President U Htin Kyaw’s proposal to sign the Agreement on Cooperation in Natural Disaster Early Warning and Mitigation between Asean and the Russian Federation.
Lawmakers also discussed amendments to a bill on Myanmar Territorial Seas and the Maritime Zone.
Friday (June 2)
The Lower House approved the proposal of Kyaiklat Township lawmaker U Yan Lin which urged the Union government to include consumer education in the curriculum for seventh, eighth and ninth grade students in order to increase the public awareness of unsafe foods and drugs in the market.
In the Upper House, lawmakers asked questions about regional development tasks in their respective constituencies.