At least 44 Myanmar junta forces including pro-regime militia members were killed in the last three days as People’s Defense Force groups and an ethnic armed organization (EAO) continued to attack regime targets across the country.
Incidents were reported in Sagaing and Magwe regions.
The Irrawaddy has collected the following reports of significant attacks from PDFs and the EAO.
Some military casualties could not be independently verified.
Three junta policemen killed in PDF attack in Sagaing
Resistance forces attack a junta police vehicle in Salingyi Township on Sunday. / Triple Two
Three junta policemen including a captain were killed and another escaped in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday morning when six PDF groups jointly attacked a vehicle carrying the four, said PDF group Triple Two, which was involved in the attack.
The junta policemen were attacked while en route to a restaurant. Three weapons were seized from the police vehicle.
A civilian nearby was also killed in the shootout when policemen responded with firearms.
A video shot by the PDF shows PDF fighters attacking a vehicle.
Forty junta soldiers killed in three days of clashes in Sagaing

At least 40 regime forces were reportedly killed in three days of clashes with a combined force of Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and PDF fighters in Indaw Township, Sagaing Region, said Indaw Revolution, the media wing of Indaw-PDFs.
Heavy clashes between a military detachment of 70 troops and the combined resistance forces broke out near Jone Jone Kya Village for three days from Dec. 16 to 18. Only 30 junta troops survived the clashes, Indaw Revolution claimed.
One resistance member was seriously injured. During the fighting, regime forces burned down around 40 civilian buildings in four nearby villages. More than 5,000 residents from a total of 12 villages in the combat zone have fled their homes.
Regime forces bombed in Sagaing

Local PDF group Burma Rangers claimed it used two grenades to attack regime forces stationed in the compound of AYA Bank in the town of Shwebo, Sagaing Region on Monday evening.
Military casualties were unknown.
Pro-regime militia member killed by PDF parcel bomb in Sagaing

A pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia member was killed and another injured in Shwebo Township, Sagaing Region on Monday when local PDF group C&T Shwebo used remote-controlled parcel bombs to attack militia members in two pro-regime villages in the township, the resistance group said.
First, it attacked militia members in the pro-regime village of Taltheetaw by sending them a parcel bomb on Monday morning. In the attack, a pro-regime militia member was killed.
Another militia member was seriously injured when the PDF group continued to use parcel bombs to attack militia members in another pro-regime village, Nyaung Kaine, that afternoon.
Military detachment hit by mines in Sagaing
PDF-Kalay claimed it used five land mines to ambush a military detachment of 100 troops heading to a village in Kale Township, Sagaing Region on Monday.
Some regime forces are believed to have been killed or injured in the ambush. Following the ambushes, the regime forces indiscriminately attacked a nearby area for an hour using both heavy explosives and firearms.
A senior citizen and a cow from nearby Nagarpwat Village were injured and some motorbikes were damaged in the junta attacks.
Later, regime forces arrested a 14-year-old boy and retreated to nearby Myohla Village, PDF-Kalay said.
Four regime bases attacked in Sagaing

Many regime forces are believed to have been killed or injured in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday night when six PDF groups simultaneously raided four regime bases including a police station, junta controlled-township General Administration Department offices and housing for junta servants in the town, said Myaung Revolution Army, which coordinated the raids.
Regime vehicle ambushed with land mines in Magwe

Many regime forces including pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia members are believed to have been killed or injured in Myaing Township, Magwe Region on Saturday when Myaing-PDF used several land mines, including heavy ones, to ambush a junta vehicle from a pro-regime village, the PDF group said.
The junta vehicle carrying 25 regime forces was ambushed near a village while the troops were traveling to buy rations.
The PDF group said it used 16 land mines to ambush the junta vehicle, which was damaged in the attack. After the ambush, junta reinforcements with a vehicle arrived in the area and transported the bodies of killed and injured regime forces and took the damaged vehicle with them, Myaing-PDF said.
Junta camp attacked, bombed in Magwe

Many regime troops are believed to have been killed or injured in Myaing Township, Magwe Region on Sunday when around 10 local PDF groups jointly attacked a military camp in the west of the township, claimed Black God Guerrilla Forces, which was involved in the attack.
The combined PDF groups also used improvised mortar shells and drones to bomb the junta camp. Regime forces also responded with both heavy explosives and firearms.
However, all PDF fighters were able to retreat from the area without casualties.