At least 21 regime forces were killed in the last three days as People’s Defense Force groups (PDFs) and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) continued to attack regime targets across the country.
Incidents were reported in Karen and Mon states and Mandalay, Sagaing and Tanintharyi regions.
The Irrawaddy has rounded up the following reports of significant attacks from PDFs and EAOs.
Some military casualties could not be independently verified.
Seven regime troops including officers killed in Karen

At least seven regime forces including officers were killed and 17 others injured in Myawaddy Township, Karen State in the last three days during clashes with Karen resistance forces, claimed Cobra Column, which engaged in the clashes.
In the incidents, three resistance fighters including two female members were also killed, the group said.
Junta-appointed village administrator assassinated in Mandalay

Resistance group Bo Tiger Force claimed to have killed U Aung Htay, the regime-appointed administrator of Nyaung Pin Village in Sintgu Township, Mandalay Region on Thursday.
The victim, who was also a pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia member, assisted the regime forces in torching houses and raiding villages, the PDF group told local media.
Junta informant killed in Mandalay

Myitnge-PDF group claimed it and two other PDF groups jointly assassinated junta informant and military supporter Ko Min Swe at his house in Thayat Tan Village in Amarapura Township, Mandalay Region on Wednesday.
The victim, who was a junta-run government servant, contributed to the regime forces’ arrests of people opposing military rule and seizures of houses and properties of anti-regime activists, the PDF group said.
Pro-regime militia member killed in Mandalay
Underground resistance group Special Task Force-Mandalay claimed to have assassinated junta informant Than Soe, who was also a pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia member, in the city of Mandalay, Mandalay Region on Wednesday evening.
Six regime forces killed by PDF land mines in Tanintharyi
Local PDF group Dawei Guerrilla Revolutionary Force claimed to have killed six regime forces and injured 12 others in Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Region on Tuesday when they used three bombs to ambush 30 regime troops searching for land mines planted by PDF groups on a road near a bridge.
Six regime forces were blown up while they were sitting on the PDF’s land mines, the resistance group said.
After the attack, the bodies of killed and injured soldiers were taken away in five ambulances.
Two regime forces killed in Mon
Two regime forces were killed and another one injured in Ye Township, Mon State on Thursday morning when resistance fighters of Ramonya Guerrilla Force used land mines to ambush a vehicle of military Battalion 586, the PDF group claimed.
The vehicle was ambushed while returning to the military base after sending children to school.
Pro-regime village bombed in Sagaing
Resistance fighters used improvised mortar shells to bomb the pro-regime village of Tawpu in Monywa Township on Wednesday. / Area 71 PDF-Monywa
Local PDF group Area 71 PDF-Monywa said it and another PDF group jointly bombed the pro-regime village of Tawpu in Monywa Township, Sagaing Region, where military troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia members are stationed, using three 90-mm improvised mortar rounds on Wednesday evening.
After the bombardment, regime forces in the village randomly opened fire but there were no PDF casualties.
The PDF group continued to shell the village using three improvised mortar rounds on that night. However, military casualties were unknown.
Three regime forces killed by PDF land mines in Sagaing
Two pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia members were killed in Monywa Township, Sagaing Region on Wednesday when Brave Heart Army used two land mines to ambush six military members from the pro-regime village of Tawpu, the PDF group claimed.
The militia members responded with firearms but all PDF fighters escaped from the area without casualties.
The PDF group said one regime soldier was believed to have been killed and two others injured in Monywa Township on Tuesday when it used land mines to attack a vehicle carrying regime forces from the junta-run Chaung-U Township General Administration Department office.