At least 21 Myanmar junta forces were killed in the last five days as People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) continued to attack regime targets across the country.
Incidents were reported in Tanintharyi, Sagaing, Magwe and Mandalay regions and Karen State.
The Irrawaddy has collected the following reports of significant attacks from the PDFs and EAOs.
Some military casualties could not be independently verified.
Regime forces suffer losses in resistance attacks in Tanintharyi
A resistance drone drops a bomb on regime forces hiding on a mountain in Tanintharyi Township on Monday. / Bat Ma Laik Guerrilla Force
Myanmar regime forces are believed to have been killed and injured in Tanintharyi Township, Tanintharyi Region in the last four days when combined local resistance groups repeatedly attacked a military detachment of 60 troops trying to occupy the resistance groups’ bases, said Bat Ma Laik Guerrillas (Tanintharyi), which joined the attacks.
The military column has been raiding villages in the township since June 16, attacking and occupying Thamee Hla Village the next day.
The combined PDF groups blocked and attacked regime forces at the village for three days, killing a medical captain.
On Monday, the PDF groups conducted drone strikes on regime forces fleeing Thamee Hla and hiding on a mountain outside the village. On Tuesday, regime forces retreated from the area after facing resistance attacks and drone strikes, the PDF groups said.
Military artillery unit bombed in Sagaing
Three regime forces including a captain were killed and five others injured in Monywa Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday when five PDF groups used drones to drop bombs on a military artillery base in Kyauk Sit Pon Village, according to the resistance groups.
Regime patrols attacked in town in Sagaing
Three junta policemen were killed in Kani Township, Sagaing Region on Monday when Yinmabin District PDF Battalion 30 attacked 17 regime forces including police officers patrolling in the town of Kani.
In the raid, a firearm, ammunition and some equipment were seized by the resistance forces. After the attack, a regime unit based in the town shelled a nearby village, killing a civilian.
Military gunboat ambushed in Mandalay
Resistance fighters ambush a military gunboat in Myingyan Township on Sunday. / Myingyan District Army
At least 10 regime soldiers were killed in Myingyan Township, Mandalay Region on Sunday when Myingyan District PDF Battalion 3 and two PDF groups jointly ambushed a military gunboat in the Irrawaddy River from close range, according to the resistance groups.
Two junta troops killed by PDF snipers in Mandalay
Resistance snipers ambush regime forces in Madaya Township on Tuesday. / Operation Mya Nan Dar
Two regime forces were gunned down in Madaya Township, Mandalay Region on Tuesday when resistance snipers taking part in Operation Mya Nan Dar ambushed regime forces stationed in Kyat Pyin Village, the resistance group said.
Police outpost destroyed in Magwe
A police outpost after being torched by resistance groups in Saytottaya Township last Thursday. / NUG’s Defense Ministry
Minbuu District PDF Battalion managed to burn down a police outpost in a village in Saytottaya Township, Magwe Region last Thursday after attacking 40 regime forces stationed at the police base, said the Defense Ministry of the civilian National Unity Government, the political wing of the PDF.
During the resistance raid, soldiers fled the raid and two pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia members were arrested. There were no PDF casualties, the Defense Ministry said.
Regime forces bombed in Karen
Resistance group Galon Column claimed to have killed two regime soldiers and injured three others as its drone unit conducted strikes on regime forces stationed at the junta-controlled Electricity Power Supply office in Kyondoe town, Kawkareik Township, Karen State on Monday.