Leaders of the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society will attempt to negotiate the release of farmers and others jailed for protesting against land grabs, reports Mizzima. “We will compile a list of activists arrested and detained in connection with land-grabbing cases and then we will negotiate with the government for their release,” said Myo Thant, a member of the group’s agricultural economy and farmers’ affairs committee. He added that when land-rights activists help farmers understand their legal rights, authorities sometimes arrest and imprison them. “These cases should not occur,” he said. So far, he said, the committee has compiled a list of 21 major land-grab cases around the country.
Exodus: Tens of Thousands Flee as Myanmar Junta Troops Face Last Stand in Kokang
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army troops are opening roads and pathways through forests for people to flee Kokang’s capital as...
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