Monday (July 30)
In the Lower House, lawmaker U Nay Myo Htet of Kyauktada Township asked about the Construction Ministry’s plan to build an inner ring-road in Yangon to ease the city’s traffic woes.
Deputy Construction Minister U Kyaw Lin said that construction of the Yangon Elevated Expressway project would begin next year and should be completed within three years.
Tuesday (July 31)
The Union Parliament approved the re-appointment of U Kyaw Kyaw Maung to serve another five-year term as the chief of the Central Bank of Myanmar. President U Win Myint submitted U Kyaw Kyaw Maung’s nomination to the Parliament last week.
Members of the business community and some lawmakers expressed disappointment with the Parliament’s approval of another term for U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, 79, one of the senior-most officials from the former military junta’s regime still serving in the National League for Democracy (NLD)-led government.
Wednesday (Aug. 1)
Lower House Speaker U T Khun Myat took over the position of Union Parliament Speaker from Upper House Speaker Mhan Win Khaing Than. According to the Constitution, the two speakers serve as the head of the bicameral parliament for alternate two-and-half year terms.
Thursday (Aug.2)
U Soe Thein, a Karenni State lawmaker who served as President’s Office minister in U Thein Sein’s administration, called on officials of the NLD-led government and members of the legislature to disclose their financial assets.
The lawmaker asked the government if it would proceed with its predecessor’s plan to join the Open Government Partnership. State Counselor’s Office Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Tin responded that the plan would not proceed as the previous government had abolished the relevant committees on March 29, 2016, before the transfer of power.
Mrauk-U Township lawmaker U Oo Hla Saw asked the Information Ministry if it has a plan to open an ethnic journalism college. Deputy Information Minister U Aung Hla Tun replied that the Education Ministry and Ethnic Affairs Ministry should take the lead role in establishing such a college and the Information Ministry would provide necessary assistance.
Friday (Aug.3)
In the Lower House, lawmakers debated the proposal of Maubin Township lawmaker U Sein Win urging the government to prohibit the export of cows and buffaloes used in farming as the country has still yet to mechanize agricultural production. The Lower House decided to put his proposal on record.