The Ministry of Industry will mass-produce and sell three types of glass tables designed by State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to the public.
The Ministry of Industry in Naypyidaw introduced the tables to the media on Wednesday.

“She [Daw Aung San San Suu Kyi] provided the designs, detailing the length and width of the tables, and the minister shaped [the tables] according to her design. People like them since they are her designs and because they are also attractive. She is gifted. The designs are elegant,” Daw Aye Aye Win, director-general of the Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection, told the media.
The tables will be sold at shops run by the Ministry of Industry in major cities and orders will also be accepted. Many were already ordered at a recent exhibition organized by the ministry in Naypyidaw.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi contributed three designs, of which two are already being manufactured, and one—an end table—is still in the process of having a sample made, deputy director-general U Zaw Lin Tun of the Ministry of Industry’s technology department told The Irrawaddy.
“Prices start at about 100,000 kyats [about $US80]. Tables are available in two-tier or three-tier designs, with lathed or lacquered wooden legs. The legs are made of steamed teak and do not expand or shrink due to temperature variations. The glass is also strong and cannot be broken easily,” U Zaw Lin Tun told The Irrawaddy.