Myanmar’s resistance forces in Kayah State destroyed three military trucks and seized two others containing weapons after attacking a regime convoy.
Around 40 military trucks carrying approximately 200 regime troops were attacked by the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) and Karenni Army (KA) from Bawlakhe to Hpruso townships after May 30.
A KNDF spokesman told The Irrawaddy that the fighting was intense as the regime used airstrikes.
The armed group said it seized two trucks, weapons, landmines and anti-drone jammers on Thursday at the border of Bawlakhe and Hpruso townships.
On Friday evening, the resistance destroyed three trucks between Law Kyal Khu and Mar Kha Yar Shel villages in Hpruso.
“At least 10 regime soldiers were killed but their bodies were put on trucks so we do not know the exact numbers,” said a KNDF spokesman.
The KNDF said two resistance fighters were lightly injured.

The convoy was reportedly supplying a Hpruso military training unit.
Bawlakhe to Hpruso is an hour’s drive but the convoy took six days because of repeated ambushes.
On May 8, about 25 junta soldiers, including a lieutenant colonel, were killed when the KNDF and KA attacked a convoy in Hpruso and four trucks were burned out.
Kayah fighting began more than a year ago with the junta using airstrikes and artillery. A majority of the state’s 200,000 residents have been displaced.
In May there were about 61 battles reported in the state and approximately 107 junta troops were killed and five Karenni resistance fighters seized. Less than 10 resistance fighters were killed, the KNDF said on Thursday.