Thirteen young people who were arrested at Star City Housing in Yangon’s Thanlyin Township on May 9 while hiding from the military regime have been charged with incitement under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code by a court inside Insein Prison in Yangon.
Junta troops took 14 blindfolded young people from the complex after raiding their apartment last month. As one of the detainees is underage, she is likely to be tried at a juvenile court. Their next court hearing is scheduled for June 23.
During the raid, 30-year-old doctor and Yangon University of Medicine 2 alumni Dr. Nyein Thu Aung fell from the apartment and died.
Some residents of the housing complex said military collaborators residing in the block informed the regime of the group’s whereabouts. A witness said he saw bloodstains on the balcony from which Dr. Nyein Thu Aung fell, suggesting that he was killed and did not accidentally fall.
The accused military informants are a family related to a minister in the former U Thein Sein government, and reportedly fled to a foreign country following the incident.
Families of ex-military officers with close ties to Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, the wife of coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, live in Star City Housing, according to a resident.
On March 9, the regime raided the office of banned media outlet Mizzima in Star City Housing.
Following the death of Dr. Nyein Thu Aung, the Star City Housing management committee announced that residents and guests will be subject to surprise inspections. As of May 17, it has tightened up security.
The management committee also objected to large groups of people sharing a single apartment; the complaint drew criticisms from residents.
Star City Estate was built by FMI founder U Theim Wai, also known as Serge Pun, the developer of a number of luxury housing complexes in Yangon including Pun Hlaing and FMI.
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