Prominent Mandalay lawyer Daw Ywet Nu Aung, who has been detained by the junta and charged under the Counter-Terrorism Law, is still being interrogated at the Myanmar military base at Mandalay Palace and has yet to be sent to prison, according to her colleagues.
Daw Ywet Nu Aung was a member of the legal defense team for ousted Mandalay Region Chief Minister Dr. Zaw Myint Maung. She was arrested on April 27 after his trial at a special court inside Mandalay’s Obo Prison.
The military regime has accused the lawyer of funding People’s Defense Forces (PDF) and charged her under Section 50(j) of the Counter-Terrorism Law. She was remanded in custody by the Mandalay District Court.
“Ma Ywet Nu Aung has not yet been brought to trial. We will be only able to see her when she is brought to trial. As far as we know, not even her family members have been allowed to see her,” said another lawyer.
Sources said Daw Ywet Nu Aung was expected to be brought to trial on May 12. But it is not clear if the court hearing took place on that day via video conferencing.
“We do not know if there was a court hearing via video conferencing. Under the law suspects can be remanded in custody for 28 days. So we guess that she has not yet been put on trial because she has not yet been detained for 28 days,” said a lawyer close to Daw Ywet Nu Aung.
Junta spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun told media that Daw Ywet Nu Aung was detained and charged because lawyer U Sithu, who has allegedly been identified as a PDF member operating in Mandalay, testified that Daw Ywet Nu Aung had funded his group.
If convicted, Daw Ywet Nu Aung faces a sentence of from ten years to life in prison as well as a fine.
The lawyer is a regional level member of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and is also a legal adviser to the party. As well as acting for Dr. Zaw Myint Maung in his trial, she was also representing other ousted ministers of the former Mandalay government who have been charged by the regime.
She was also a member of the defense team for detained State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and NLD patron U Win Htein.
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