Mandalay — Some one hundred protestors led by the Myanmar Teachers’ Federation (MTF) gathered in Mandalay on Sunday to demand the government investigate the murder of schoolteacher U Aung Zin Tun who was found dead in Hpakant Township, Kachin State on Wednesday.
“Brutally killing a teacher is the worst thing one can do in this country,” said vice president of the MTF U Thuta. “We condemn whoever did this shameful action and threatens the peace and stability of the country.”
Holding photos of U Aung Zin Tun, teachers and supporters marched down the streets of Mandalay and demanded justice for his killers and security and safety for educators working in remote areas of the country.
U Aung Zin Tun’s body was found after he was abducted from his house in Nantmaphyit village on Wednesday last week. Unconfirmed sources said the teacher was abducted by three unidentified men.
A police officer from Hpakant Township Police Station said that ten of U Aung Zin Tun’s students were absent from U Aung Zin Tun’s class on Jan. 10 without requesting leave. The next day, he hit each student twice with a wooden sheet.
A demonstration also organized by MTF took place at Rangoon’s Maha Bandoola park on Sunday.