South Korean K-pop star BoA will release her latest album, titled “Kiss My Lips,” online at midnight on May 12. The renowned performer often referred to as the Queen of Korean Pop has produced a string of well-received records since debuting at the age of 14 with her first release, “ID; Peace B.”
The title track of “Kiss My Lips” is a minimal pop song, with the S.M. Entertainment artist’s baritone-style vocals resonating over the sounds of a synthesizer. Another track from the album, “Who Are You,” that was released on May 6, has already risen to the top of various music charts in South Korea.
Outside South Korea, BoA, whose real name is Kwon Boa, has achieved significant success in Japan, aided by the fact that she speaks fluent Japanese. Her latest album is produced by the well-known production team “Stereotypes.”