An exhibition, “Ahnu Thutaythana” (Pursuing Arts in Research) wants to deliver the humanities through the arts from tomorrow (Saturday) to Dec. 3 at the Secretariat.
The exhibition is organized by the Enlightened Myanmar Research Foundation under the theme of “integrating democracy into everyday action” to extend social research beyond academia to the public.
“When we say art and research, many people thought it was different fields. The two interlink as part of humanity,” said Daw Myat Thet Thitsar, CEO of the foundation.
She added: “The main concept is to provide people with opportunities to reflect on social issues, particularly injustices that prevent positive changes in society.”
The exhibition will feature panel discussions on gender discrimination, peace and freedom of expression. There will be book discussions on Learning from Mass Violence in History by Dr. Myint Zaw and Lives on the Borders by Stan Jagger. There will be short story readings, film screenings, photos, cartoons, comics and paintings by artists Htein Lin, Cecilia Ja Seng, Phyu Mon and others. Poet Maung Saung Kha will also perform.
Chin, Kachin, Shan, Mon, Mandalay, Tanintharyi and Yangon artists will be featured.
The free exhibition is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.